In this programme, we focus on helping you develop your own vision and visual language. Because a real photographer focuses on the world. And not just with his camera.
Audiovisual Techniques: Photography programme
Power and imagination
Today, everyone is a bit of a photographer. With the emphasis on ‘a bit’. Because a powerful image is much more than a well-timed click or atmospheric filter.
But to get started, all you need is an open mind. We start at the beginning and explore all facets of photography. From framing to retouching. From the second year onwards, you develop your own speciality and identity via themes. This can be fiction (for example, fashion or advertising) or non-fiction (for example, journalism or architecture).
You graduate with an expo and an internship (yes, of course, you can also do that abroad). And with great future prospects: our graduates often work as freelance photographers and/or image editors as part of editorial teams, on film sets and at advertising agencies. Camera ready?
Programme-specific skills
Many photographers work as freelancers. That’s why we try to prepare you thoroughly for a life as a creative entrepreneur.
Communication is also important when it comes to images. You learn to communicate professionally, both with the models in front of your camera and with clients on the other side of the world.
Multimedia experimentation
A powerful image can also be a moving image. A 3D image or a moving image. You experiment extensively with new media.
You learn the ins and outs of graphic design. So that you are able to place your work within a context. Or tell others how to do that.
Basic photography techniques
Even the most creative visual language starts from technical perfection. You learn everything about lighting, composition and so on.
A powerful photo is not ready in a single click. You also learn how to get the perfect click in Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Lightroom, etc., so that you can finish your images to perfection.
What does the future look like after this study programme?
A study programme does what it promises: it enables to study a specific domain during which one acquires specific skills and a certain way of thinking. Our students choose their final destination themselves. Discover where they ended up…
An academic year, from one summer holiday to the next
At Sint Lucas Antwerpen, creativity is a constant. ‘Regular’ lecture weeks alternate with flex-weeks and exhibitions. And exams, of course. For the bachelor in Photography, you follow the period system: 1 academic year = 4 periods.
Who teaches this study programme?
They always have one foot in the professional world and they enjoy sharing all that experience with their students. These qualified professionals will soon be your lecturers.
Nick Mattan
Sam Debaecke
Geert Segers
Alexander van der Wallen
Peter Pelckmans
Jeroen Bocken
Oznur Ozturk
Ans Brys
Wim Milo
Wouter Lambrechts
Stefan Vanthuyne
Els Fieuw
Frederik Van Gompel
Thomas Van de Water
Rebecca Fertinel
Diego Franssens
Guido Everaert
Ludwig Van Gelder
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