

Sint Lucas Antwerpen piept er in de zomer even tussen uit. In augustus staan onze deuren weer wagenwijd open. 🌞🌞

Gesloten van 11 juli t/m 18 augustusSint Lucas Antwerpen

Wanneer kan je ons bereiken? 

Ons welkomstcomité is na de zomersluiting elke werkdag fysiek aanwezig van 8:30 u. tot 16 u.  
Je kan het onthaal ook altijd bereiken op het nummer 03/613.12.00  of via info.sintlucas@kdg.be.

Also useful to know

Studying in Antwerp

We make your life as a student in Antwerp as easy and fun as possible. A dry roof over your head? A great student job?
We’ve got your back.

Info days

You can read through this entire site, of course. Or you can also just drop by on campus. To study our students and lecturers in person. Make a note of these info days in your diary.


There’s always something to see and experience at and around our campus. From cool workshops to inspiring exhibitions. Take a look and book your dates now.

Getting to Sint Lucas Antwerpen quickly and easily

Our brand new headquarters is super cool and super easy to reach. By bike or public transport. On foot, scooter or skates: you’ll get here in no time.