Campus Sint Lucas Antwerpen

English study programmes

Study Photography or Visual Arts abroad! Apply for a high-quality international programme at Sint Lucas Antwerpen, art department of Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Art.

We have an exchange programme for the bachelor and master of Visual Arts and the bachelor of Audiovisual Technology: Photography.

We also have full degree programme for the master, premaster and advanced master. There is no full degree programme (only exchange programmes) in English for the bachelor of visual arts or the bachelor of Audiovisual Technology: Photography.

Why study at Sint Lucas Antwerpen?

In the heart of Antwerp, Belgium’s art and creativity city, you will study and work together with international students on a bachelor, master or advanced master level. As our school is internationally focused, our renowned teachers regularly welcome guest lecturers from over the world and international projects with partnering schools and study trips are set up. Join us for top-notch education in a small city with metropolitan allure, deepening your personal artistic practice. Turn yourself into a changemaker with attitude!

Join the bastard mentality in Antwerp

A city of cultural crossovers, Antwerp has a bastard mentality. As a people that have been under the rule of many reigns, we can proudly say a diversity of cultures is in our genes. As we say in Antwerp: “We are bastards (bastaarden).”

City of Diamonds, home to an international renowned fashion academy and with an infamous art scene, Antwerp will show you a different view on design, art and creativity. Visit one of the many museums and galleries, showcasing local artists with international grandeur and international artists with local flair.

A creative hub, Antwerp is a small and cosy city, offering the greatness of a metropolis. Underground parties or dancing at the riverbank, choose your style.

With more than 180 nationalities inhabiting the city, food lovers can satisfy their taste buds by one of the many tasty cuisines.

Just a small reminder, Belgium is famous for a wide range of artisan beers, chocolate and French fries, which are mistakenly named by our neighbours.

Whom we dearly love as a matter of fact and like to visit in a blink of an eye. Paris, Amsterdam, London, Berlin, Cologne? All of these neighbouring art cities are here at travel distance for you to visit and get inspired.

As if Antwerp wouldn’t be enough… We gladly welcome you to join us bastards in Antwerp!

Instagramfeed #thisisantwerp

Fun, fun, fun but also… top-notch education

Studying at Sint Lucas Antwerpen means top-notch education. Well above the EU and world averages, education in Belgium ranks third-best among the 36 OECD countries worldwide.

Therefore, quality education is what you’ll sign up for! In a small city with metropolitan attitude, we are a small-scaled university, where teachers and students have a personal bond. Yet a large professional and artistic network allows our students to take part in international art and research projects, experiencing the world at your doorstep.

Opportunities will come your way, whether you’re a local student or a student taking part in our international exchange programme.

Jelle Jansegers

International experiences that make your art relevant in today’s world

As intercultural exchange is one of our key goals, students can connect with young creatives all over the world, thanks to our established cooperations with international partner schools and institutes.

Some examples :

Disarming Design for Palestine

Disarming design from Palestine

The Summerschool Disarming Design From Palestine brings together young designers and artists to exchange ideas about the power of art and design.

Champdaction.lab19_Leen Bastiaens


Inviting students from participating schools in Montreal, Rotterdam and Singapore, ChampdAction, in direct partnership with us, provides a laboratory for young creators in the fields of dance, music and fine arts.

Integrated2019 - Design by Mirror Mirror

Integrated Conference

Our very own Integrated Conference, a biennial international conference, invites leading international artists, designers, architects, scientists, politicians and activists.

In addition, we regularly welcome guest teachers from over the world and organize international study trips to get you all inspired and fired up!

Our teachers are crazy.
Crazy about their profession.

And crazy about you. They’ll do anything in their power to offer you an unforgettable journey in art and to guide you around campus.

On the one hand firmly rooted as university lecturers with extensive theoretical knowledge, on the other hand experienced in the field, thus internationally known.

Knowing what it is to push creative boundaries, to take a critical view and to bring innovation to society, they will turn you into a changemaker with attitude.

A high-end campus for all

As Sint Lucas Antwerpen is the art department of Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences & Art, you can draw upon all facilities and services offered by KdG throughout the city.

Thanks to our parent organisation we are able to support you in finding suitable student accommodation or introduce you to an international network, amongst others.

Remember all KdG campuses are yours to visit, with a newly build art campus as your main location!

Campus Sint Lucas Antwerpen

Our new headquarters in Antwerp are open for you! 9000 square meters of creative spaces are at your disposal. Call it your creative temple as you will. Use it to incubate your ideas and build your very own Tate Modern.

With well-equipped studios and specialist studio assistants, we offer the support you need to realise the art that’s in your head.
Blow our minds, we dare you!

Student @work

Both for our bachelor and master programmes, the huge basement is the beating heart of your artistic practice.

Get settled in one of our workspaces for coding, letterpress, woodworking, jewellery, metalworking or printing.


Also, feel free to linger around in our inspiring library that consists of two floors with garden view, immersing yourself in free knowledge.

An extensive collection of art and design books, and recent editions of trade journals will inspire you along the way.

Ask the librarian for whatever extra inspiration you need.

Art study abroad programmes: exchange or full degree programme

We offer several study programmes in English: a one-semester exchange programme at a professional or academic bachelor level and a full degree programme at an academic premaster, master and advanced master level. Join us at Sint Lucas Antwerpen, for an international arts education that will last a lifetime!


A one-semester programme is available for the professional bachelor of Audiovisual Technology Photography and the academic bachelor of Visual Arts.

Professional bachelor of Audiovisual Technology: Photography

Join us for one semester in the professional bachelor programme of Audiovisual Technology : Photography, developing your personal vision and visual language.

Focusing primarily on professional practice, the course offers you substantive, technical and technological knowledge in order to start working within the broad creative industry.

Academic bachelor of Visual Arts

You can apply for one academic bachelor studio that will be the core of your one-semester exchange programme. Studio art, Studio graphic design, Studio jewellery, Studio illustration or Studio communication design are the specific disciplines open to application.

Focused upon the further development of your artistic practice and professional communication with the outside world, you will deepen your artistic and social interests and learn how to apply them.

In addition, per semester you can sign up for a bachelor class, broadening and/or specifying your individual trajectory. Classes will be in English for Erasmus students. You’ll be studying alongside local students, offering you many opportunities to build a personal and professional network in Antwerp, Belgium.

Jelle Jansegers


Premaster, master and advanced master

A full degree programme in English is available for the academic premaster, the master of visual arts and the advanced master of research in art and design.

There is no full degree programme in English for the bachelor of visual arts or the bachelor of Audiovisual Technology: Photography, only exchange programmes. If you want to apply for the Dutch bachelor programmes, click here for more info and the admission requirements.

After completing a professional bachelor’s degree, you can enrol in the academic premaster, preparing for an academic master in Visual Arts. Academic bachelor graduates are directly qualified to sign up for the master programme.

Whereas the premaster is a bridging programme preparing professional bachelors and non-art academic bachelors for the master programme, the master and advanced master programmes focus on bachelors in visual arts, and artists and designers, respectively.

The master’s program is the first step of your professional future, helping you to further develop your voice and your work, tailored to your ambitions and in relationship to the way you want to be engaged within society. Choose who you can or should become.

Focusing on research development, the advanced master programme offers intense coaching in research methodology, writing and critical studies. We give you time and space without the requirement of any particular final format.

During all three trajectories we guide you towards deepening your personal artistic practice, through a premaster studio and its classes, a master project and its classes and a one-year advanced master research project.

Further develop your artistic voice in an international setting, as visual arts are not limited to Flanders or Belgium, but undergo influences from all over the world. To remain relevant, an international focus is therefore a must.


Laura Braspenning

Coordinator International Affairs

Also useful to know

Studying in Antwerp

We make your life as a student in Antwerp as easy and fun as possible. A dry roof over your head? A great student job?
We’ve got your back.

Info days

You can read through this entire site, of course. Or you can also just drop by on campus. To study our students and lecturers in person. Make a note of these info days in your diary.


There’s always something to see and experience at and around our campus. From cool workshops to inspiring exhibitions. Take a look and book your dates now.

Getting to Sint Lucas Antwerpen quickly and easily

Our brand new headquarters is super cool and super easy to reach. By bike or public transport. On foot, scooter or skates: you’ll get here in no time.